4 Signs that You Might Need a Professional Psychology Treatment

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Most people find handling emotional problems a little more complicated than dealing with physical health issues. This is because, often, the signs of psychological health issues are not as obvious as the others. However, if you have a keen eye, you can tell when you or a loved one is in a fix and needs psychological health care. Here are four ways that you can tell when you or a loved one needs psychological treatment.

Social Withdrawal

People start withdrawing from society when they start developing emotional health issues. You might notice that someone who was previously quite outgoing prefers to spend more time indoors. For example, your previously outgoing teenager might start cancelling plans with their friends regularly and preferring to stay in their room all day. Sometimes it might seem like a normal part of teenage life. However, if the withdrawal lasts more than three months, consider investigating the need for therapy.

Excessive Anger and Resentment

Anger is often a healthy emotion. It can be the part of you that knows you deserved better treatment in a situation. However, when you have emotional balance, your anger about an experience should balance out as you process the issue. If you have had deep-seated anger and resentment towards people for a long time, there is a connected trauma. Sometimes, you might externalise the anger in bouts of rage that involve extremes like property damage, yelling at people, and even physical violence.

Therapy helps you access the parts of your psyche where you hid and forgot the traumas. It makes the trauma conscious, and as a result, you get to heal it. Once you have addressed the trauma, the erratic anger starts dissipating. 

Hopelessness and Suicidal Thoughts

Hopelessness comes from the conviction that you cannot get past a situation. The situation could be a traumatic experience like losing a loved one, divorce, physical and sexual abuse, a traumatic accident, and others. If you do not unpack the pain and handle the grief that comes with it, the hopelessness can lead to suicidal thoughts. You should seek professional therapy as soon as you realise that you or a loved one experiences constant hopelessness and thoughts of self-harm.

Changed Sleep Patterns

Physical fatigue is a typical indicator of unsolved psychological health issues. Seek therapy if you find yourself sleeping longer hours than before, and you have recently experienced trauma. Anxiety can also lead to insomnia. 

Speak to an experienced psychologist about your symptoms and get a diagnosis. Psychology treatment through therapy is one of the best ways to disarm trauma and live a healthy and balanced life.  
